Book Now!

Complete all the information to make the reserve. We will contact you immediately by e-mail to confirm the booking and further information.

Book information

Check-In (*)
Check-Out (*)
Type of Apartment (*)
Detalle de los departamentos
Apartments Adults Kids
If you want to be pick-up at the airport please give us the flight information.
Flight number Airline Arrival Time Origin

Personal Information

Full Name (*)

The holder of the booking, (example: John Smith)
E-Mail (*)

We will contact you to this e-mail, (example:
Telephone (*)

We will contact you if is necessary, (example: 6234561234)

We want to know, where are you from

Payment Information

Type of Credit Card (*)
Number of Card (*)
Name of Holder (*)
Expiration date (*)

The number of his card of credit will be used to guarantee his reservation.
In case of having to cancel his reservation, it will have to do it with 24 hours of anticipation to avoid expenses of " Not - Shows " equivalent to one (1) night.
Let us know if you want something special or further services.




stays more than 15 days.

  • Discount for less than 15 days of stay.
  • Valid until December 31th 2016.